Women's Report 2023

16 ARL 2023


Women's Report 2023

      Forced to share the same bed with Han Chinese government officials, subjected to non-consensual medical interventions through state-imposed birth control methods, facing sexual violence at the hands of Chinese security personnel, compelled to intermarry with ethnic groups, and held in factories under inhumane conditions during their high school years are just a few examples of the inhumane, racist, and sexist practices imposed by the Chinese government on East Turkistani women. The persecution, oppression, and genocide in East Turkistan have been extensively studied from various legal and political perspectives within the international community and continue to be investigated. However, an essential aspect of the decades-long political repression in the region is the suffering experienced by East Turkistani women. As targets due to their Muslim and Turkish ethnic identities resulting from China’s assimilation policies, East Turkistani women endure persecution differently because of their gender. Their existence and identity are criminalized in every aspect by the Chinese state, forcing East Turkistani women to engage in a struggle that costs them their lives as they seek to live with dignity, freedom, and according to their beliefs. In addition to the common challenges that come with being a woman, the pressure, persecution, and human rights violations faced by East Turkistani women who must fight for survival as free women are unique and require greater public attention and opposition. Without a doubt, the oppression, persecution, and human rights violations experienced by East Turkistani women, who endure an unprecedented struggle for survival as free East Turkistani women, must be a matter of public concern. The East Turkistan Human Rights Monitoring Association prepared this report to draw more attention to the suffering of East Turkistani women, to shed light on the experiences of women in the region, and to present civil society efforts that can be made as a humanitarian responsibility to oppose this oppression. China’s censorship and restrictions prevent transparent access to information from the region, resulting in only a small portion of the committed human rights violations being reported. As a result, it is not known how many individuals’ lives have been affected by these violations and what consequences they have had on these individuals’ lives in East Turkistan. However, even the limited information available illustrates the magnitude of the human rights abuses and crimes against humanity taking place in the region.

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