Opening speech of President Hidayet at the International Uygur Forum
Respected representatives of countries, Members of the European Parliament, leaders of the organizations, my compatriots, ladies, and gentlemen. By thanking you for this opportunity, I begin my speech with my sincere hope and aspirations for the freedom and independence of the people of East Turkistan.
I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to the co-organizers and supporters of this momentous event for it will be an invaluable platform to create a unified voice to stop China’s genocide policies that have been targeting my nation for the last 7 decades.
While many populations of the world are now positioned in absolute freedom, we are witnessing some catastrophic political suppressions, widespread genocide, and crimes against humanities, committed by China which is posing a greater amount of threat and risk to global peace and security than was collectively achieved by the international communities after the second world war in the 20th Century. What I am stressing here is the replication of “Never Again” which is the fate of the people of East Turkistan under China’s brutality.
No doubt that many of you have heard what is happening in Chinese-occupied East Turkistan with the global level of recognition of China’s Genocide and other crimes which aimed to wipe out an occupied nation with thousand years of contribution to civilization in the world. With no exaggeration, today’s reality of the Uyghur and other Turkic peoples of East Turkistan is one of the darkest chapters of humanity as millions of innocent civilians are detained in Chinese operating concentration camps, Muslim women are suffering unprecedented legal assault and atrocities in the hands of the Chinese state and institutions, organ harvesting, destruction of religious, historic and cultural monuments with Islamic faith of the community is totally criminalized and millions of young generations are facing systematic forceful Sinicization. Last but not least the entire nation is yelling for help.
Hence, I appreciate every one of you here for your courageous efforts to initiate the International Uyghur Forum to spread awareness to wake up humanity for a decisive action to save East Turkistan.
The people of East Turkistan are the only nation that is suffering the harshest state-sponsored terror, assimilation, and suppression policies from China despite the proven fact that Uyghurs have always been productive, peaceful, and skillful people who ruled many empires, kingdoms, and independent states. The people of East Turkistan have only an aspiration to reestablish a sovereign nation-state that can be an integral part of the international system and order. The Nation of East Turkistan will undoubtedly contribute to international peace and security if we are able to regain our sovereignty.
To understand China’s Genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic people, the world has to engage more directly with the people of East Turkistan. China has gained vast experimentation by installing the dystopian system in East Turkistan then gradually bringing up its evil nature elsewhere as today’s Hong Kong no longer enjoys democracy, Taiwan is facing a military threat, small and poor nations have been trapped by China’s Debt traps, the global economic order is undermined by Chinese economic infiltrations, China has built a heavy military base in the South China Sea by posing a direct threat to nations around there.
China has installed espionage institutions around European countries with the name of so-called “police stations”, and “Confucius institutions” and cyberattack mechanisms to undermine the democratic system of these countries.
The absolute power grip of Xi Jinping after the 20th National Congress by extending his rule for the next five years or for the rest of his life is a crystal-clear sign of how China will be a risk for international peace and security. Today, there has been an increasing level of alerts on China’s rise and risks, countries are taking measures to establish more sophisticated cooperation to deter China’s threat, and the United States, Japan, Australia, European countries, India and Taiwan have taken scanned measures. Whilst the International communities are reacting critically against China’s Genocide against Uyghurs and other Turkic people, East Turkistan Organizations around the world have effortlessly endeavored to message the world about the plights of East Turkistan.
The International Union of East Turkistan Organizations is a leading international organization to represent the freewill of East Turkistan people and independence aspiration for East Turkistan and has been a conservative political movement that is determined to restore the sovereignty of East Turkistan through larger and more direct engagement of United Nations, member states and other NGOs who values democracy, human rights, and freedom and all stakeholders who are victimized China’s danger. We are looking forward to establishing coordinated relationships with governments, organizations, and communities to achieve our goals of independence.
By extending my sincere appreciation to all participants who are standing by our will around the world, I make it clear that the issue of East Turkistan is not an internal affair of China, rather it is a global concern that must be actioned to save the people of East Turkistan. International institutions such as the UN, ICJ, and ICC must take China accountable for its genocide crimes. The world must wake up to realize the hidden threat from China and stand United against this common enemy of freedom, democracy, justice, and peace. Thank you so much.
Hidayet Oğuzhan
President of the International Union of East Turkistan Organizations
European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Date: 09102022