Summary report of the 15th World East Turkistan Brotherhood Forum and the 6th East Turkistan National Unity Council

Summary report of the 15th World East Turkistan Brotherhood Forum and the 6th East Turkistan National Unity Council

The 15th World East Turkistan Brotherhood Forum and the 6th East Turkistan National Unity Council, held in Istanbul from September 22 to September 25, were successfully concluded.

Over 300 individuals from more than 30 countries participated in this significant national unity council, including parliament members, leaders of political parties, representatives from international and local organizations, scholars, intellectuals, experts in various fields, academics, and youth.

During the National Unity Council, the participants engaged in discussions regarding the challenges faced by the East Turkistan cause, opportunities arising in the new global agenda, strategies to capitalize on these opportunities, and strengthening relations with Turkey and the Islamic world. They emphasized their unwavering support and commitment to the East Turkistan cause, vowing to continuously bolster its progress.

During the meeting, participants discussed the East Turkistan cause in the context of the international order. They analyzed the current situation surrounding the cause and exchanged views on potential suggestions and measures to advance it further.

1. Panel topic: The East Turkistan cause from the point of view of international order

- Analyzing Europe-China relations, Middle East-China relations, and ASEAN-China relations.

2. Panel topic: The current situation of the East Turkistan cause

- Examining China's national strategy and its impact on the cause.

- Assessing China's future situation considering regional and international factors.

- Analyzing Southeast Asia's role and its impact on East Turkistan.

- Exploring the influence of the East Turkistan diaspora on the political movement.

- Highlighting the significance of the Turkic world in East Turkistan.

- Addressing the crises of occupation and genocide in East Turkistan.

3. Panel topic: East Turkistan cause and solutions

During the discussion, participants analyzed various sub-themes related to the East Turkistan cause and explored potential solutions. These included:

- China's strategy in the Arab world and proposed solutions.

- Methods of achieving international recognition for East Turkistan's independence within the framework of international law.

- The significance of Turkey and its obligations in supporting the East Turkistan cause.

- Reform proposals concerning the East Turkistan cause.

- The necessity of East Turkistan's independence as a mandatory step.

Additionally, three important topics were discussed in smaller groups, leading to the following key findings:

1. Presenting scientific facts and historical evidence to establish East Turkistan as an occupied territory.

2. Approaching the East Turkistan cause strategically, aligning with international law and political standards rather than solely relying on emotions.

3. Utilizing the global anti-China movement and political environment to advance the cause.

4. Countering China's counterpropaganda in the Islamic world through academic, social, and political activities, as well as effective use of social media.

5. Strengthening scientific research related to the cause and enhancing legal efforts.

6. Enhancing cooperation among East Turkistan organizations.

7. Exposing China's expansionist policies in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

8. Proposing new projects and raising awareness of the East Turkistan issue to maintain its prominence on the global agenda.

9. Showcasing the historical and cultural contributions of East Turkistan to humanity, reinforcing the roots of the cause to attract more supporters.

10. Emphasizing that the East Turkistan issue is not only a human rights concern but primarily an issue of occupation, and rallying support from Muslims, Turks, and the broader humanity.

11. Maintaining a firm stance on the goal of independence, establishing a clear political identity, leveraging international laws, and distinguishing between allies and adversaries.

12. Facilitating and reforming East Turkistan organizations while establishing mechanisms for inter-organizational cooperation.

13. Highlighting occupation as the core conflict between East Turkistan and Chinese invaders. 

Suggestions made at the meeting:

·         Establish specialized research centers and institutes dedicated to East Turkistan to enhance scholarly understanding and analysis of the region.

·         Implement reforms within East Turkistan organizations, such as systematizing their structure, promoting cooperation over competition, adopting new styles of litigation, improving the quality of meetings and gatherings, focusing on youth education, and organizing various work groups.

·         Utilize international scientific documents related to East Turkistan to support and strengthen the cause, providing a solid foundation of evidence.

·         Develop universal litigation manuals in multiple languages to facilitate legal efforts and provide guidance to activists and supporters.

·         Establish an economic fund to support initiatives and projects aimed at advancing the East Turkistan cause.

·         Place special emphasis on the training of East Turkistan children in intelligence, military, and important technical fields to enhance their capabilities and contribute to the cause.

·         Promote the role of women in litigation and provide support and resources to strengthen women's involvement and contribution to the movement.

In the panel discussion, the following points were presented regarding the political solutions for the East Turkistan independence cause and legitimizing the cause:

Discussion Analysis:

·         The East Turkistan conflict is primarily a land and independence issue, emphasizing the need for self-determination.

·         It is crucial to create opportunities for multilateral support in various countries to address the issue effectively.

·         Identifying countries with potential support and exploring effective ways to engage them. This involves establishing communication platforms to systematically garner support for the East Turkistan cause from state institutions, politicians, organizations, and other channels that understand, support, and can contribute to advancing the cause.

Discussion Decisions:

·         Define the main goals and identify the most important steps required to further the East Turkistan cause.

·         Seek international opportunities that can benefit the East Turkistan cause, such as diplomatic engagements, alliances, or initiatives that align with the cause's objectives.

·         Strengthen the East Turkistan cause within Muslim countries, recognizing the shared cultural and religious bonds that can foster support and solidarity.

2. SWOT Analysis of the East Turkistan Problem:

·         Participants conducted a scientific analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the East Turkistan cause. Various aspects, including politics, international relations, economy, and media, were examined. Practical solutions were recommended based on these analyses.

3. East Turkistan Diaspora: National Identity Crisis and Solutions:

·         The forum also focused on the national identity crisis faced by the East Turkistan diaspora. It was emphasized that preserving and promoting the Uyghur language and national identity is crucial. Suggestions included utilizing Uyghur language teachers effectively, leveraging Uyghur language books, offering English language classes, and taking necessary steps to protect East Turkistan's national identity.

Finally, we express our gratitude to Allah for granting us this valuable opportunity. We would also like to extend our thanks to the individuals who worked diligently behind the scenes to facilitate the establishment of our national unity council and contributed significantly to the organizational efforts. We pray to Almighty Allah that our unity council will serve as a means and catalyst for the people of East Turkistan to break free from oppression and genocide at the earliest possible time and establish an independent state.
